Print in Color

Learn simple steps to print in color, higher quality, and create presets for efficient time-saving on the imac.
Mac iOS Version
Venture 16.4

Print in Color

  1. Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Safari, Chrome, or Firefox).
  2. Search for an image (e.g., Shrek) and select the desired image.
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut Command + P (on Mac) or File > Print to open the print popup.
  4. Ensure you have a color printer selected.
  5. Scroll down and select "Printer Options."
  6. Under the Quality tab, select the information icon.
  7. From the grayscale options, choose "Full Color."
  8. Click "OK" to confirm the color settings.
  9. Click "Print" to initiate the printing process.

Create a Preset:

  1. After you have your desired printer settings set
  2. Under the preset section, select "None."
  3. Click on "Save Current Settings."
  4. Enter a name for the preset (e.g., "Color-2Sided").
  5. Choose "This Printer Only" to save the preset for the color printer.
  6. Click "OK" to confirm the preset settings.

Using the Created Preset:

  1. Ensure you have a color printer selected.
  2. Under the presets tab, select "none" and than scroll down to select the preset you created (e.g., "Color-2Sided").
  3. Confirm to switch the printer from grayscale to color
  4. Select "Continue" to switch to color.
  5. Click "Print" to initiate the printing process with the preset settings.

How do I print in color? How do I create a preset so I don't always have to go and switch these settings in my printer? And is there a way to print in higher quality? These are the questions that will be answered in this video. Let's get started. Before I answer the first question and the primary question—how do I print in color?—I want to address a very important aspect about printing. Let me show you something really quick. If I open the native application on the Mac, which is the Safari browser, and search for Shrek, select this image, and then use the keyboard shortcut Command + P to open the print popup, you're going to see this popup.

It may not be familiar if you don't use Safari, but if you use Chrome, for example, the popup looks different. Here's the interesting part. If you open Chrome, another browser, and search for Shrek, select an image, and use the same shortcut Command + P or File > Print, look at these popups. They're different; they don't look remotely similar. Here's more interesting information: if you go to Firefox and do the same thing, the popup looks completely different.

The secret to printing is to get to this screen—the native Apple print popup.

So how do you do that if you're using Chrome or Firefox? The answer to that question is the same. You're going to select 'More Settings,' scroll down, and use what's called 'Print Using System Dialogue.' When you select this option, it will look exactly identical to the Safari popup. Keep watching; it's going to be very beneficial later in this video.

Printer In Color:
Now, how do I print in color? Well, the first thing you want to do is select the color printer and give it some time to connect. Scroll down, select 'Printer Options,' and under the Quality tab, or on the Quality tab, select the information icon. From the grayscale options, choose 'Full Color.' That's it. You have changed it from black and white to color. Click 'OK,' and that's the answer. When you select print, it will print in color.

Printer in Higher Quality:
The other question I often get is, 'Can I print in higher quality?' In the same category, you can select a higher quality option. If you use the print dialogue option, it will have the same settings. By selecting 1200 DPI for higher quality and clicking 'OK' and 'Print,' it will print at higher quality.

A quick warning: printing in color is expensive, so if you don't need high quality, don't waste it. Just choose the default, which is actually a good quality. Now that you have selected color, go ahead and print, and it will print in color.

Create a Present
The last question I'm going to answer is, 'Is there a way to create a preset so that every time I want to print in color, I don't have to scroll down, select quality, and switch it from grayscale to full color?' The answer is yes, you can create a preset. Let's go ahead and do that. I've already selected full color. I'm going to click 'OK,' then go up to the layout. Under two-sided, which is the default for most printers, I'm going to select 'None' under the preset tab and say 'Save Current Settings.' I'm going to name it 'Color' and 'Two-Sided.' I'll select 'OK,' and choose 'This Printer Only' because it's a color printer.

It doesn't matter if it's two-sided or one-sided, so I'll just ignore that and select 'OK.' Now, it's saved as a preset. When you go back to print, select more settings, use print dialogue, and choose color. Note that if you go to presets, it won't appear because we specifically stated it will only appear under the color printer. Select the color printer, go under presets, and there they are. When you select a preset, it will bring up a popup saying, 'This printer is defaulted to grayscale. Do you want to switch to color?' Select 'Continue.' Now, you're ready to print in color and two-sided.

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