Bluetooth Sound (Frontrow)

Enhance your classroom audio with Frontrow Bluetooth for crystal-clear sound, while mirroring to your Apple TV.
Mac iOS Version
Sonoma 14.7.4

Connecting to Frontrow (Bluetooth) Device:

  1. Find the small white (Frontow Bluetooth) device in your classroom.
  2. Press the black button on the Frontrow device to initiate connection (paring)
  3. Find the Bluetooth icon on your Mac's menu bar or System Setting > Bluetooth
  4. Pair by selecting "Connect" with "FRONTROW BT XXXX"
  5. Play a sound or video to ensure audio to verify connection

Disconnecting from Frontrow

  1. Find the Bluetooth icon on your Mac's menu bar or System Setting > Bluetooth
  2. Select the (i) Icon (located on the right-side of Frontrow)
  3. Select "Forget This Device"
  4. Now Connect to the Frontrow

Are you having sound issues in your classroom? You know what I mean, right? You have this YouTube video, and you go to your screen mirroring. You select your Apple TV, and then you go to that YouTube video. You click play, and you see the video on that big screen of yours—whether it's a Smartboard, projector, or TV. You see the video playing, but you don't hear the sound. Or sometimes, you get connected, and it works, but only for a second. Then it's out again. It's just a constant battle of having good sound in your classroom. That's why this video was made—to show you how you can use Frontrow Bluetooth in your classroom to get good, high-quality sound.

What is Frontrow System?
You're probably asking at this time, 'What is a Frontrow system, and do I have it?' Well, your question may be better answered in this video. But if this video is sent to you, you probably have this device. This is a Frontrow system, and this device allows you to use this device (a Frontrow mic). You may recognize it. Everything you speak into this device transmits to this device. This device is connected to your ceiling speakers. It's how you hear yourself in your classroom. Though these two devices aren't our primary focus in this video, rather it's this device right here—this small white box. It's small but powerful and beautiful. It is what gives you high-quality sound in your classroom through your ceiling speakers. This is the device that we want to connect to. So, the next portion of this video is to show you how do you connect to this device, and how do you relocate or reallocate or switch your default sound to this Frontrow system? Well, let's begin.

The Basic Icons—Bluetooth, Screen Mirroring, and Sound:
I'm going to switch to my Mac and cover some basic things we need to cover. Three basic icons. I'm going to pause here and say if you don't see these three icons, especially this icon, the control center icon, it's because you don't have your computer updated to the nearest iOS update. iOS is the fancy word for the software that's running on your computer. So, if you don't see this icon in your upper right-hand side, you need to communicate and request your IT to update your computer. If you do, great! Let's continue. There are three basic icons you'll need to know. First is the sound icon. It allows you to tell your computer, 'Hey, I want sound to come from this device.' Maybe it's your MacBook Air speakers or maybe an Apple TV that's connected to a TV or projector, Smartboard.

That's what this icon does. The Bluetooth icon allows you to simply connect to Bluetooth devices. That might be a Bluetooth keyboard or a Bluetooth clicker that you would use for your Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation. The next, you're probably very familiar with—it's your screen mirroring icon. It allows you to screen mirror or project your Mac screen to an Apple device or an Apple TV device that's connected to your projector, Smartboard, or TV. Those are the three icons. Now, I'm going to pause here and say if you don't see these icons in this menu bar, you can drag them from the control center by selecting the icon you wish and dragging them up to the menu bar. You can do that with any of these icons. For example, I can select the sound and bring it up to my menu bar.

Maybe you placed it not where you want it. Well, by pressing the Command key on your Mac next to the space bar and selecting the icon, you can actually drag it and place it where you desire in the order of your icons. Alright, so we talked about what if it's not there. We now know where to find it and how to move it up to the menu bar. We talked about what if I don't see it. Again, ask your IT to update your Mac. Now that we've covered the three basic icons, let's connect to the Frontrow Bluetooth system. Let me remind you, this device is the Frontrow Bluetooth. Normally, it's connected or stuck on top of the Frontrow receiver. Now, if it's not, it's probably hidden behind your Smartboard. And if you don't have a Smartboard, maybe your TV or maybe you just don't have it at all. Contact your IT if you're trying to find it and you can't.

Connect to Frontrow—Bluetooth Speakers:
Alright, so how do I connect to it? Well, the first step is to find the device. Second step is to press this black button. When you do, it will prompt a sound from your ceiling speakers. When you hear that, that's a good thing. That means, 'Hey, this device wants to connect to something.' So, ultimately, it's saying, 'Hey, is there something out there?' And your Mac computer is going to be like, 'I'm here. Connect to me.' And that's what they're going to do. And that's a good sign. And it's right here—the Frontrow system. And right underneath it says it's connected. That's how you connect. That's it. And the beautiful thing about connecting to this Bluetooth device is when you're connected, you can leave. You can grab your Mac computer and leave your classroom. And come back—the moment you step into your classroom, your computer will say, 'Hey, I know you. Let's communicate.' And it will reconnect automatically. You don't have to do this step again. It's a beautiful thing. Saves a lot of time. So, we're connected to the Bluetooth.

What's next? Well, I want to stop here for a second and zoom in because you may see a lot of Frontrow devices in your school. If your school has Frontrow devices, what's really important is these last four digits. This last four digits. This device in my classroom is really for me. If this is in my classroom, 0478 is my number. Miss Luther, Miss Beth should not be connecting to 0478. This is my Bluetooth device that's connected to my Bluetooth ceiling. So, when you're pairing, just make sure you're connecting to the right one. And if you've never connected to it before, then go fish. So, just make sure that when you do connect, you do find the correct one. Just keep an eye and recognize, 'Hey, my Bluetooth device is 0478.' Now that we've covered that, let's get to the next step.

Switch Sound from Apple TV to Frontrow:
So, I just connected to my Bluetooth system. It's great. I have a video I want to play. So, what do I do? Well, I do the normal steps. I go to my screen mirroring. I select the Apple TV. That's particularly my Apple TV. It may be my room number. It may be my name. You'll know if it's your Apple TV. So, after selecting it, your sound icon will automatically select the same Apple TV you select in your screen mirroring. So, for example, if I select the IT office, my sound output is going to say IT office. And that's not what you want for sound. You'll want to connect to the Frontrow system. Now, this is exactly what it should be. And if you see this blue icon, it means you're good

You're connected. If you don't see a blue icon, it means you're not connected. So right now, I'm connecting to my MacBook Air speakers. What it ultimately does is say, 'Hey, computer, every sound that's going to play on my Mac, I want it to come from my speakers in my Mac. Now, if I don't want it to come from my computer, I want it to come from my ceiling speakers, what am I going to connect to?' If you said 'front row,' you're right. If you didn't, I want to back up the video a little bit, or all the way from the beginning. Okay, let's connect to the front row system. So let's get this simplified. I have a YouTube video I want to show to my students. I go to my Mac, I click the 'IT office.' I know that my sound output is going to be 'IT office.' When I connect to my Apple TV, I'm going to go ahead and select my front row Bluetooth. I'm going to keep an eye on that number and then connect to it. When I connect to it, that's it. You're good. Your computer says, 'All my sound is going to go through my ceiling speakers, my video is going to go through my IT office Apple TV,' and that's it.

Every time you now play sound from your computer, it's going to be crisp; it's going to be wonderful. All because you're using the front row system, and that's because you're connected to the front row system. That is how you're going to have great quality of audio. Okay, that's really the video.

Okay, we talked about three icons: the Bluetooth, the sound output, and the screen mirror. I want to make sure Bluetooth is the device you're connecting to. Your Mac is going to connect to a Bluetooth device, and we already stated that this front row is a Bluetooth device. It allows you to connect to things, and we want to select the front row. When you want to use the front row system, you want to go to your sound and make sure your front row system is connected, and then screen mirroring, you already know it.

Alright, how do we get to the Bluetooth setting? Let's see. I'm not connected. When I go in here and it's not selected, but I'm trying to select it, but it's not going to turn blue. So what do I do? How do I fix that problem? We want to go to Bluetooth settings. Do you remember how to do it? There are two ways. You're right. You can select Bluetooth settings, or remember, you can always select the Apple icon, scroll down to system settings, and then select Bluetooth tab here. If it's not working well, all you need to do is select this icon. It's called the information icon. When you select it, you have the option to say, 'Forget this device.' What it's saying is, 'Forget it, like I've never connected to it before.' So we're going to select it. It's going to prompt, and it's going to say, 'Forget device.' When we select that, it's not going to be connected to our computer. It's not even going to give us an option to connect to it because we forgot about it. We don't know that Bluetooth device. We don't know if it exists.

So now that I forgot it, how do we connect to it? How do we pair? Well, if you said, 'Click the black I button on the Bluetooth system,' you're absolutely correct. So we're going to press it, and then you're going to hear that 'boop boop' sound, and then we're going to go back to our Bluetooth. It's going to pop up, and you're right. We kept an eye on those four digits, right? The 0478. We know that's the one that we want to connect to. We're going to connect to it, and there right away. Okay, I'm back at it. My computer recognizes it, and I can go back to normal. I can go screen to my Apple TV, and I can click play on that YouTube video, and it's going to have great sound. Why? Because we go to the sound output, the front row is connected. That's why we're going to have great sound quality in our classroom, and we're not going to have that frustration of sound coming in and out. Well, I hope this video was helpful. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, I would encourage you to contact your IT of your building. Thank you for watching.

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